Maximize Case Valuations with AI Emotion Detection |

Why EmotionTrac?

Analyze reactions and improve your chances of winning


Emotions Matter

Utilizing our AI platform, lawyers now have access to unique insights they can't find with traditional focus groups. Our team sends your recordings to a group of anonymous individuals while collecting key insights, using our virtual platform.

Cost Effective

AI Technology


The future of legal analytics is here.

Feel confident preparing for cases or winning new business with the help of our insights platform. Our AI system produces real-time emotional data from virtual focus groups. Then, our dashboard gives you the power to analyze and improve your case strategy across multiple dimensions all in one place.

Reporting made easy with TABS

Trust - How trustworthy does the audience find the case/witness to be?
Appeal - Does the audience find the case/individual likeable?
Believability - Does the audience believe the individual or the case?
Story - How emotionally invested is the audience to the narrative?

How It Works
AI Focus Group Analysis


EmotionTrac is a Proud Member of the Florida Justice Association.

The Florida Justice Association (FJA), is dedicated to strengthening and upholding Florida’s civil justice system and protecting the rights of Florida’s citizens and consumers.

To learn more, please contact

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